The Foster On-A-Roll Lifter Low Profile Grande Max is designed to handle large diameter, heavy rolls that require lower clearances. It lets one operator move rolls as heavy as 2,200 lbs. The specially designed tray accommodates rolls for easy loading and unloading, as well as transporting. The front caster wheels are fixed to allow the front to fit under tight areas. This Foster On-A-Roll Lifter Low Profile Grande Max is backed by a 2-year warranty on hydraulics and media tray, and 5-year warranty on cross bars.
- Product Details
- Designed to handle large diameter, heavy rolls that require lower clearances.
- Front caster wheels are fixed to allow the front to fit under tight areas.
- Lets one operator move rolls as heavy as 2,200 lbs
- Pair of heavy-duty rear swivel casters with easy step-on locking brake.
- Specially designed tray for easy loading and unloading rolls.
- Reduces on-the-job injuries and enables all workers to move heavy rolls.
- User-friendly operation avoids costly and dangerous handling mistakes that damage media.
- Rugged construction ensures long lifter life.
- Single-person operation saves labor and time.
- Foot pump allows for smooth, effortless lifting within minutes.
- 2-year warranty on hydraulics and media tray. 5-year warranty on cross bars.