We have fantastic, experienced Leasing/Financing agents available for your purchases. Both offer experience and competitive rates in assisting our clients with all their financing needs. Follow the application links or contact them direct, letting them know you are a client of Pro Digital Gear, for the best rates and service!
Our CIT Agents Direct Contact: Mitchell Hartmann
Call: (603) 433-9412
Or eMail:Mitchell.Hartmann@cit.com
Our ACG Agents Direct Contact: Chris Pfriem
Call: (440) 479-3981
Or eMail:Chrispfriem@1acg.com
Our Geneva Capital Agents Direct Contact:
Damon Cincotta
Call: (320) 759-35898
Or eMail:damon@gogc.com
Our GenevaCapital Agents Direct Contact:
Jessica Srock
Call: (320) 759-3513
Or eMail:jessica@gogc.com