Home :: Printers :: Epson :: SureColor T-Series :: EPSON SureColor T5270 DUAL Roll 36" printer -- Refurbished

EPSON SureColor T5270 DUAL Roll 36" printer -- Refurbished

EPSON SureColor T5270 DUAL Roll 36" printer -- Refurbished

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IN STOCK- shipping from 23 different states! Epson's SureColor T-Series 36" Printer. Inspired by engineers, This is the DUAL ROLL VERSION of the 36" T5270 printer. The SureColor T-Series printers have been designed from the ground up to be the most precise high performance engineering scientific printers in their class. The new line of 4-color T-Series Printers from Epson are ideal for speedy and economical print applications such as architectural designwork, maps, presentation pieces, posters and indoor signage.